Category Archives: History

There have been a large amount of unfortunate losses of musicians due to do overdose. Some have been accidental and some haven’t. Some have become legends in music where as some are only remembered by true fans or music historians. The following is an account of some of these musicians.

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On Wednesday, President Obama’s stimulus package plan passed through the House of Representatives. The $819 billion stimulus package is a two-year plan calling for urgent fiscal aid from the government during an economic crisis. This is the biggest stimulus plan in history.

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President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act on Thursday reversing the current Supreme Court ruling in order to allow women in the labor force and other workers more time to sue for discrimination in pay.

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Out of the 44 Presidents of the United States, which presidents were left-handed? After watching President Barack Obama’s Inauguration on January 20, 2009, most viewers would notice that the President signed some official papers with his left hand. Tracing back into history, here is a list of past left-handed presidents!

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